Willing to be willing but unable to stop

About my bulimia and other people/romance addictions...

Sunday, July 23, 2006


i slipped tonight. i can't write about it right now, i am too numb, anergic and at the same time angry with myself to even acknowledge it. i am truly sick of myself. tomorrow is my 30th birthday.


Blogger Gooey Munster said...

Hi beautiful,

It is ok. True, not an excuse to justify the behavior but please remember that you have much courage and are battling a beast so baffling . . .

I slipped after 7 months and 1 day, I still have not got it together but I dare not quit -- I know I am not alone and that the chapter I live is neccessary, for it is the greatest treasure and will help someone else some day.

Thank you for your honesty.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Emily Jolie said...

Hi Jackie,

I know how disappointing it is to slip after doing well for some time! Please don't beat yourself up too much! You have been doing really great, and this slip-up doesn't need to stop you from continuing to do great! Setbacks are a part of recovery. They are normal. We're not perfect.

Remind yourself of how great it felt to be healthy and b/p-free, and know you have it in you! You did it for an extended period of time - you can do it again! Just think of what an accomplishment it was for you to quit cold turkey the way you did! You are so strong!

I, too, slipped a few days ago after 3 weeks. I decided not to let it get me down and pull me back into the downward spiral. I can go another 3 weeks - hopefully more!

You're in my thoughts!
much love,


12:26 AM  

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