I am still here
Hi everyone out there. I am still here. I still read your blogs. And I am still horribly bulimic.
I remember when I first discovered blogging after my relapse in 2006 and I started my own. It was a time in my life when I was heavy into "finding the one." Lots of dating, online, offline, etc. Many disappointments, restlessness, hurts, fears I would end up alone.
Then I met him in October 2006, six months after my relapse. My love, my partner, my future husband (I hope!) I was able to be well 1 month, 2 months last year here and there. The relationship has had its challenges. But overall, he and I are a good fit and help each other be better people. And he is the first man I have ever trusted.
So now, I wonder....I have finally found him...the love of my life, blah, blah, blah....why the fuck can't I stop?
I moved in last month which is huge for me. I have never lived with anyone. Being alone has always fed the disease. I mean even when I did have roommates, they were not into my business and it did not make it difficult to be bulimic.
Around May, I started planning on giving it up. I decided June 1st was the day. I thought, well at least if I have 1 month "sober", I will not be going through psychological withdrawal from bulimia when I move in July 1. But June 1 came and went as did the rest of the month. The whole month went by and the bulimia was worse. Not sure if it was worse because of the anxieties of moving and moving in with someone or because everyday was a "last hooray" for me and I went all out with binges.
Now here I am August 9th. Still bulimic. And what a pain in the ass it has been. Completely lying and sneaking with food. Binges in the car on the way home from work because I can't do it in front of him. He tries to kiss me and I look away because of my breath. No more taking my time, watching TV with piles of food around, "set" for the night and comfortable. Ridiculous. If he ever knew.....
Right now, I am buying time before a purge. We went out to dinner tonight and I gorged myself. I wonder if he honestly believes that because I run and work out, I can eat what I want and not gain. I mean really, while I do sneak and hide a lot, I do also eat ALOT in front of him. He never asks questions.
The other day, I thought he had gone down to look at his new car, and he came back early and I was in the middle of gagging myself silly: "Honey...are you all right?" The vomiting was so loud, I did not hear the door. Pause. "I'm fine honey...just fine." I pretended to open the cabinet door, tear open a tampon, act busy in there. 3 minutes later I flushed the toilet. Never asked about it and I never brought it up.
Hi Jackie,
Oh my THANK YOU for your brutal honesty to share about this. I truly know how personal being bulimia is and how it is like when in a relationship. I have struggled w it since I was in my teens. I am 32 years old, coming up on a year of sobriety and hanging on tight to my eating disorder. I have lived with my sweetheart for 4-1/2 years. I too eat HUGE amounts in front of him. I don't exercise and he never brings up any concern or observation of my behavior. I binge/purge 1-4 times a day. Recently I have incorporated laxatives at night. I know my disease is progressing. However I do have HOPE not only for myself but for others such as yourself. Simply by putting this post out there you are letting your secret out. I know you want to stop but bulimia is almost like second nature now and it is cunning, baffling and so powerful.
I hope you keep writing about this. I really appreciate your writings. You are NOT ALONE. I keep a blog at soberchick.com. However I have been taking care of my sobriety working my program and do not write as much as I use to. Next step in my recovery is to beat the bulimia. It is terrifying but possible, I know many women personally who have many years of freedom from it, are just beginning and are still fighting.
Please keep writing. Thank you for your courage and honesty!
You are not alone, JAckie- We are very much alike- I had written a whole bunch here for you, but now I have erased it as I don't want to further burden you, but I swear I thought you had gotten in my computer nad copied alot of my writings. Mine is currently a gripping addictive cycle and the sad thing is my boyfriend does know and I dont know why no one will help me. I now go through a paycheck so quickly and spend all night replacing food and having to go and find the things I ate to refill the pantry, its ridiculous. The locking of the cabinets didnt seem to stop me. You are not alone, I wish you well. Let's make a pact if you read this- maybe that'll work- we will see if we can go one day without buying and eating and binging and purging. Only good thoughts and healthy foods with a healthy lower calorie intake so we dont freak out. What do ya say? We both need to give ourselves a break one day at a time. I will try again tomorrow.
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